Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fed report lifts lid on Great Bank Heist of 2008-2009

Fed report lifts lid on Great Bank Heist of 2008-2009

OMG!!!!And we as "sheeple," are fast asleep. Worrying about how were going to meet our own personal debt. This crime should not go unnoticed. Everyone is criminally insane, and no one is doing anything about it.

Here' the 99ers are fighting for an extension of a 5th Tier of unemployment; all the while being ignored because Congress argues there is no way to pay for it. Social programs being slashed and no one listening. All the while they are fleecing the caufers for their own personal gain...This is the picture of greed. With unemployment reaching a national average of 10%, the highest I have ever known; there's no compassion for the middle class-just tax credits that could never be used by any middle class person because of the lack of substantial employment. I made $30 per hour, I have been on job interviews offering $15 per hour, with employers explaining that I am over qualified. This is outrageous! (So I give us my pennies for their billions/trillions-we need to demand accountability, culpability, and criminal sanctions). So, taxes are a scam; bailout is a scam, tarp is a scam...what isn't a scam is that the poor working middle class American has been reduced to ashes).

There is no middle class, so why should the American public support the Tax Credits Extension? We won't benefit from these tax credits because the middle class is abolished. No jobs, so no tax returns to claim the tax credits. Another scam perpetrated on the American public.

Say no to the Bush era tax credit extension for the rich...I am already bankrupt, so why should I be concerned if the government closes down.

Someone should be demanding a full audit, a full investigation; international intervention to put these criminals where they belong. There has to be complicity at the very top in order for this scam to have been carried out.